
英学录 人气:1.14W




1、 Get off my back. 不要管我!

Why don't you get off my back? You've been bitchingat me all night.

你为何不让我一个人安静一下? 你整个晚上都在抱怨我。

"bitch" 是「母狗」的意思, 也有人用来骂「凶悍的女子」"bitch" 还有「抱怨」的意思,

"Why are you so bitchy today?"

你今天怎么好象是吃错药似的, 抱怨个不停?

2、leave someone alone ! 不干涉; 听其自然

Isn't it about time Jane visited her hairdresser? Herbangs are hanging all over her face now.

Jane 该去见她的美发师了吧! 她的浏海都(长到)垂到脸上了。

Leave her alone. Maybe she likes to have her eyes covered so she doesn't have to see your face.

妳管她! 也许她希望(头发长到)把眼睛盖住, 好看不见你的脸啊!

"leave me alone" 和上一句中的 "Get off my back" 意思很像, 都有要求别人「不要管」的意思。"hairdresser" 是花时间整理你头发的「美发师」; "barber" 则是收费低廉, 5分钟就把你的头发剪好送出门的「理发师」。

3、stab a person in the back 背后捅刀; 出卖某人

I can't believe my best friend stabbed me in the back.


"stab a person in the back" 和 "sell a person out" 都是「出卖某人」的意思。

4、 take it out on a person 向某人泄怒

Be angry all you want. Don't take it out on me. I didn't do anything.

你尽量生气, 别把气出在我头上就是了。我又没怎样。

"Don't vent your anger on me." 也是「别把气出在我头上」的意思。


blow it!


We could have got the deal , but you blew the wholething!

我们原本可以达成那笔交易的, 但是你把整个事情都搞砸了!

2. Get lost !


Why don't you get lost? You filthy scum!

这个没用的东西, 为什么不离我远一点呢?

filthy 是脏的意思。scum则指「污垢」、 「废物」。

3. Get on a person's nerves !


You're really getting on my nerves.


nerve 除了「神经」, 还有「胆量」的意思。如 "He had the nerve to say that." 他竟然有胆说那种话。

4. hard feelings 怨气

Man, I'm really sorry about what happened last night.

老兄啊! 昨晚的事真是抱歉...

It's all right. It's over with. No hard feelings.


It's over with" 是「已经过去了」。结束某种不愉快的情绪, 可以用 「get over」。 如 "I know you weremad at him for what he had done. But, it has been five years. Get over it." 我知道你很气他所作的事, 但是这已经是五年前的事了, 你应该释怀了。

5. at the top of one's lungs


I'm here right in front of you. Why are you yelling at me at the top of your lungs?

我就在妳面前, 你为什么要对我大声吼叫呢?